Cost of Living - Help & Advice
Each One Community has worked with local residents, services, community groups and organisations to gather information to share.
One Northern Devon have collated the information and provided a hub of information on their website.
The links below will take you through to the One Northern Devon Cost of Living pages which provide local, regional and national advice and information.
The Covid pandemic demonstrated that national emergencies require both a national and local response and that both can be effective in alleviating the impacts on individuals and communities. The cost of living crisis being experienced by millions in the UK has any of the features of the pandemic. It disproportionally affects those in lower socio-economic groups, it could have a devastating effect on the live of millions and it requires a joined up response at both local and national level to alleviate the impact.
One Northern Devon are not responsible for the content of 3rd party websites, if you require clarification or feel the need to dispute this information please contact the organisation responsible for maintaining these external sites.

This page identifies what is currently available on a National, Regional and Local Level to support people in fuel poor households, where energy costs are in danger of pushing them beneath the poverty line.