We provide support and advice for young people under 18, parents, families and professionals and also deliver multi-agency training across the county.

We provide targeted education in schools for those who are vulnerable to substance misuse; this may include children out of mainstream education, those receiving alternative education provision and other education centres such as secure units. We also provide support for young people whose lives have been impacted by parental, carer or sibling substance use.

We work with young people who experiment with drugs and alcohol; with those who have more complex needs and whose drug and alcohol use may be beginning to affect other parts of their lives; also with young people whose lives may be severely impacted and may need pharmacological interventions and support.

This service is for you if:

  • you would you like more information, help or advice about drugs or alcohol
  • you are you worried about your drug and alcohol use
  • you are affected by friends, carers or family’s drug and alcohol use
  • you are a parent or professional looking for advice, support, or a place to refer someone that you are concerned about